
Menu editor

Estimated reading: 4 minutes

User-defined menus, menu editor

Instructions for creating and managing user-defined menus. This includes context menus and main navigation menus.

Step 1: Create menu

Main navigation menu

Navigate to [Admin -> Setup -> Menu items]. All LIMBAS menus are listed hierarchically there, for example the menu item [Menu items] itself can be found as an entry in the list, namely in the [Setup] subgroup, which is part of the [Admin] group. At the bottom of the page, you can create a new menu item by selecting the group and subgroup of the new menu item and giving it a name (here: Main menu group, Main group subgroup, “Test menu”).

Fig. 1: Create menu

Context menu

Navigate to [Admin -> Setup -> Menu editor] and click on the [Context menu] tab. To create a new context menu, enter a name for the menu and click on “Add”.

Fig. 2: Create context menu

The newly created context menu can be assigned to a specific table, assigned to a specific field in this table and be of a specific type.

Fig. 3: Main navigation tab


In the “Type” drop-down menu, you can select the view in which the menu should appear and the type of the new menu. The types under “List” appear in the list view, the types under “Details” appear in the detail view and the types under “Link” appear in the detail view when a link is edited.

contextThis menu appears when you right-click on an entry in the corresponding table.
fileThis menu is added to the file menu of the table.
editThis menu is added to the edit menu of the table.
viewThis menu is added to the View menu of the table.
extrasThis menu is added to the Extras menu of the table.
user-definedA new user-defined drop-down menu is created in the menu bar of the table. Sub-items can be added as described in “Edit menu”.
user-defined directA new user-defined menu item is created in the menu bar of the table, where a specific function is stored directly. This can be a form or a report, for example, which can be called up by clicking on the menu item.

Step 2: Edit menu

Context menus and main navigation menus are edited in the same way. Navigate to [Admin -> Setup -> Menu editor] and click on the pencil icon next to the menu to be edited. Entries can be added by clicking on the “+” symbol.

Fig. 4: Create menu item

Create a specific menu item by clicking on the indent icon (right arrow). A new (empty) field appears, which can be filled by clicking on the pencil icon. In the context menu, the new menu element can either be created using a template or manually.

with template

In this example, specific menu items were created using the report or form templates:

Fig. 5: Menu with template “report”
Fig. 6: Menu with template “form”


The real strength of the menu editor is the ability to create your own menu elements (manually).

Fig. 7: Create menu item manually
  • Name: Name of the menu item
  • Title: Title that appears when hovering over the menu item
  • URL: Action which is executed when clicking.
  • ICON: Icon that appears next to the menu item
  • Background color: Background color of the menu item

For demonstration purposes, a menu item is created here which imitates the function of a reset. In principle, any Limbas functionality can be achieved by specifying the URL. The URL can be a link, a Javascript function or a PHP function. A PHP function is executed as soon as the URL begins with a “return”.

URL example:

alert('hallo Limbas');
return myExtPhpFunction();

Step 3: Usage

Main navigation menu

The created menu is now permanently available and can be called up in its corresponding menu group (here main menu).

Fig. 8: Use in main navigation

Context menu

After a reset, the previously created context menus can be used. Navigate to a table for which a context menu has been created (e.g. “Customers”). The new context menu now appears when you right-click on an entry.

Fig. 9: Use of context menu
Fig. 10: Use of context menu (2)
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