In the following, a distinction is made between physical and virtual folder structures in LIMBAS! The physical folder structure is the folder structure of the operating system on which LIMBAS is installed. In contrast, the virtual folder structure is defined in the LIMBAS system tables (that is, in the database) and does not really exist on the operating system.
Folder Structure
How It Works
All files uploaded in the DMS are stored in the same directory (‘/ UPLOAD’) with a hash as the filename. The folder structure as described e.g. in the file manager, does not exist physically on the server, but is generated by LIMBAS virtually from the database. This makes files justifiable and easy to link.
If a user wishes to use e.g. the file ‘public & nbsp; folder / images / Berge.jpg’, the server creates a symlink in the corresponding user directory (‘/USER/<userid>/download/Berge.jpg’) on the corresponding physical file(‘/UPLOAD/<geheimer hash>.jpg’).
Physical / virtual file names, Mimetype, etc. are managed via the system table ‘ldms_files’, the virtual folder structure is generated from the system table ‘ldms_structure’.
Adaptation for remote file systems
Do you want parts of the upload directory – but not the entire directory- e.g. To a NAS, LIMBAS can be set to store all files of a particular virtual folder together in a physical folder. To do so, a folder ‘/UPLOAD/STORAGE/’ with any name must be created in the directory.
A Super-Admin has to select the created folder via the menu Extras‑>Settings‑>Storage folder’ in the appropriate virtual folder in File Manager
LIMBAS will automatically move the physical files from the corresponding virtual folder, with all its virtual subfolders, from the upload directory to the created subfolder in ‘/UPLOAD/STORAGE/’ (this may take some time depending on the number of files). To a NAS can be mounted.
DMS System Tables
This table contains a record for each uploaded file. For each file,
- the folder containing this file (foreign key on ldms_structure),
- the virtual filename,
- the secret physical filename (‘/UPLOAD/<secname>’), and the Mimetype of the file (foreign key on lmb_mimetypes).
This table contains exactly one record with the same ID for each record in ldms_files. Here, the metadata of the files, e.g. Creator, Title, or Creation Date.
In this table, the rights are stored for each group (lmb_groups) and a folder (ldms_structure). Filters can also be used to authorize individual files.
For each user (lmb_userdb), this table contains the folders/files that he has added to his favorites.
This table represents the virtual folder structure in LIMBAS. Each virtual folder has a data record, the name of the folder, and the ID of the parent folder.