Function descriptions Function “display_dftyp()” Estimated reading: 1 minute string display_dftyp(array $gresult, numeric $gtabid, numeric $fieldid, numeric $ID, string [$class], string [$style], sting [$pos], numeric [$z_index], array[$event]); Functional display of a table. The function takes into account ‘Formatting’, ‘Write’ and ‘Read’ access rights. Parameters: The transfer parameters are inserted, where needed, in the return array. $gresult Database query result set. Generated by the get_gresult() function. $gtabid Table ID of the table $fieldid Field ID of the field $ID ID of the data record $class css class to be assigned to the element $style css style to be assigned to the element $pos css compliant position (top, left) where the element should be positioned absolutely. $z_index css compliant zIndex, for the position of the element. $event Events to which the element should respond Example require_once("gtab/gtab.lib"); require_once("gtab/gtab_type.lib"); $gtabid = 10; $ID = 2; if($gresult = get_gresult($gtabid,1,null,null,null,null,$ID)){ echo "Feld_1:".display_dftyp($gresult,$gtabid,1,$ID,1,null,"width:100%;float:right;height:18px;"); echo "Feld_3:".display_dftyp($gresult,$gtabid,3,$ID,1); echo "Feld_4:".display_dftyp($gresult,$gtabid,4,$ID,0,"myclass"); }