Function descriptions

Function “lmb_favoriteFile()”

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boolean lmb_favoriteFile(numeric $ID, numeric $user_id=null,numeric $action=1,numeric $level=null)

Function for adding a file to favorites in the DMS (./limbas_src/extra/explorer/filestructure.lib)


Summary of the parameters:

  • $ID : ID of the file that should be processed
  • $user_id : User ID
  • $action : Action – add / remove
  • $level : Folder ID


ID of the file that should be added to/ removed from favorites


ID of the user to whose favorites the file should be added to. Default is the editing user.


  • 1 = add to favorites
  • 2 = remove from favorites


Folder ID – Alternatively a folder can be added to or removed from favorites instead of a file. If $ID and $level are provided, the file will be added as a/ removed from favorite.

Return value

TRUE if successful

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