Function descriptions

Function “lmb_copyFile()”

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mixed lmb_copyFile(numeric $ID, numeric $level, array $dublicates=null, array $relation=null)

Function for copying a file in the DMS (./limbas_src/extra/explorer/filestructure.lib)

An array can also be provided as a parameter for copying multiple files.


Summary of the parameters:

  • $ID : ID of the file that should be copied
  • $level : Target folder
  • $dublicates : Handling of duplicates
  • $relation : Link parameter


ID of the file that should be copied


Target folder ID


Instructions if the file is a duplicate

  • $dublicate[“typ”]  : overwrite, rename, versioning, skip
  • $dublicate[“subj”] : version notice if versioning


Data record or records to which the file should be linked. Fields of the type Link (field_type 11) and Upload (field_type 6) can be used.

  • $relation[“gtabid”][0] : Table ID
  • $relation[“fieldid”][0] : Field ID
  • $relation[“datid”][0] : Data record ID

Return value

ID or Array of the newly created file

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