Profile Locked Data Estimated reading: 1 minute General Records can be manually locked by the user or are automatically locked during editing. The function ‘Display locked records’ displays all locked records from the registered user. Data listed for each record are: Table Name, Record ID, Date and Time when the record will be released (unlocked). Locked records will still appear in the Record List and are included in reports, but they cannot be deleted or edited. Check regularly for locked records and if you can unlock them. Fig.1: profile / lock data A data record can be unlocked by a click on the Trash icon. A click on the data record information will display the data record in a new window. Display of a data record shows a ‘Lock’ icon on the top right corner. Hover with the mouse over the ‘Lock’ icon and date and time when the record will be released (unlocked) is displayed. Click on the ‘Lock’ icon to unlock the data record. Fig.2: unlock data