Table Handling

Record View Edit Menu

Estimated reading: 10 minutes

Record View Edit Menu



Information about when and by whom the record was created or modified, as well as an overview of the key combinations (short cuts) available in this view.

Fig.1: file / info

Explanation Shortcuts

Save + Prev = Save data and the previous data record will be displayed
Save + Next = Save data and the next data record will be displayed
Save + Create = Save data and create a new data record


Displays when and by whom the data record or specific data fields have been modified, as well as the old and new value of the field. The changes are recorded only for certain tables and fields, defined by the Admin. Is there no history for a data record, the menu command is not displayed.

Fig.2: file / history


Save modified data.

Create New

Creates a new data record. 2 variations are possible. The admin defines per table which variation is used.

Variation 1:

After selecting File -> Create New , a window appears with the question :’ Do you want to create a new record?’ When confirmed with OK, a Data record ID will be assigned and an empty data record is created. This data record can now be edited. It is not recommended to create empty data records.

Variation 2:

After selecting File -> Create New, a window appears with the question:’ Do you want to create a new record?’ When confirmed with OK, an input mask appears to enter the data. The data records will only be created after you choose SAVE.


The record is copied, but only the data fields defined by the administrator are taken into account.


The print function of your browser will be activated. The screen contents will be printed or saved to a file.


Create a new version of a data record. Go to File -> Versioning. A confirmation window appears. Click OK if you want to version this record, or cancel it. You can also add a note(e.g. a reason for the new version) if you have versioned in the record view.

After the confirmation of the question the current version of the record “disappears”. The new version appears at the end of the table. In the record view you can select in the top right corner which version of the record shall be shown. If you want to show the versioned records, select “show versioned” in the view menu.

The table now shows all records, versioned or not. All versions of one item are shown after each other. There is now a new column in the table which shows the version number of the record. If you have a versioned record this record is red.

Note that versions can only be compared if you are in the record view.

At Menu->Extras->show versions status there is the possibility to show the version at a specific date.


Selected data records will be archived. Archived data records are not displayed in the Record List. To edit (change, version or delete) an archived data record you first have to recover it.

You now see a list of the archived records and can edit them in the detail view with a double click.

An archived entry is now marked in the detail view by a small icon at the top right.


Selected data records will be deleted. They are physically deleted and cannot be restored.



Hide or unhide toolbar.

Grouping Headers

To Switch between Default Form and Customized form.

Fig.3: View / Default Form
Fig.4: View / Grouped Branches – Register View


Switch from Record View to Record List.


Switch from ‘Change Mode’ to ‘Display Mode’ – no data changes possible.


Switch from ‘Display mode’ to ‘Change mode’ – data can be edited.

Reset View Settings

Reset both, data selection and view settings (back to default).



Select Default Form or Customized Form.


Select the report you want to create. An example for a report in the Record View would be a ‘product data sheet’.


A Reminder is linked to a data record and will be shown in the Media Menu. Reminder

Choose a date or a period of time to define the due date of your Reminder, add a remark (optional) to know what the Reminder was for. You can set a Reminder for yourself, another user or a user group.

Either a period (for example 2 days) or an absolute date with time may be given. One or more users or user groups can be selected and an information text can be entered.

Existing Reminders are displayed and can be deleted with a click on the X symbol next to the Reminder.

Compare with

Compare the current version of a data record with another version. When you choose the Menu command ‘Compare With’, you can select also the version you want to compare the current data record with. The modifications are displayed field by field with old and new value.

Fig.5: extras/compare to

Click on “show as pdf” to change the format and save the result as a .pdf file.

Fig.6: extras/compare to – show as pdf

User Rights

If the rights to a specific table or line have been assigned by the admin, you can assign different rights to selected users: (Extras → User rights):




Extra / Files

Upload files and pictures.

Fig.7: picture stock

Special cases : You can also upload files to a specific data record. Go to Menu Extras -> Files -> Pictures or use, if available the input fields in the form. You can upload up to 10 files at once. The following example shows how to upload 3 files. Choose the amount of files you want to upload.

Fig.8: 1 row for data selection

Change the number of files you want to add from 1 to 3 and you can select 3 files to upload.

Fig.9: 3 rows for selection of added data

Click on the BROWSE button, select the file you want to upload and click ‘Upload File’.

Zipped files can be unzipped when uploading.

Fig.10: Files can be unpacked when uploading

Record View– Toolbar

Fig.11: Record List Overview Toolbar
  1. Save Modification [STRG][SHIFT][s]
  2. Record Detail
  3. Create Record
  4. Copy Record
  5. Version Record
  6. Delete Record
  7. Archive Record
  8. Record List [STRG][SHIFT][l]
  9. Reports
  10. Form
  11. Mark as Reminder / Reset reminder

Record View – Icons for Links

The various symbols that are possible for links are described below. You can see this in the demo application, for example in the detail view of an order.

A dew data record will be created and linked to the data record just edited.

The data record City Council shows now 3 links with the related contacts Hr. Schmidt, Hr. Mueller and Hr. Huber.

Edit Linked Data Record

Change to edit mode and back. In edit mode you can edit the displayed fields of the linked data record.

Search data record

Search for a linked data record. Click on the icon and the search fields will be displayed above the head line. Click again and the search fields will disappear. Search is only performed within the linked data records. Search for substrings is possible. All search functionalities of the ‘Record List’ are available. For further details check Search.

Opens a window with the Record List of all linked data records. Links can be removed without deleting the linked data record. You can also create new, linked data records.

Select Displayed Fields

Select the fields that should be displayed.

Removes the link and the linked data record!

A link can be displayed one place up or down click on the relevant arrow (up or down).

Record View context-dependent (type-field-dependent) Toolbars

The order the links are displayed in can be changed by clicking on the header. Click on ‘first name’, the links will be sorted (ascending) by first name. Click again on ‘first name’ and it will be sorted in descending order by ‘first name’. To get back to sort by ‘last name’ simply click on the header ‘last name’.

Toolbar – Linked Tables

Fig.12: Toolbar Contacts Sort
  1. Create Link
  2. Edit Link
  3. Search Link. Search fields above the header are only displayed if ‘Fast Search’ is activated for these fields.
  4. Open Link
  5. Select Displayed Fields
  6. Remove the link and delete the linked data record
  7. A link can be displayed one place up or down click on the relevant arrow (up or down)

‘Remove Link’ (alternative to 6, depending on the type of link; see right) Removes the link, but the ‚unlinked‘ data record will not be deleted. Note: The displayed width of the data fields corresponds to the settings of the Record List. Personal settings in the Record List are also relevant for the Listed Links.

Toolbar – Linked Dates

  1. Create Link
  2. Edit Link
  3. Open Link
  4. Select Displayed Fields
  5. Show Link in Calendar

Toolbar – Linked Mails

E-Mail1. Create Link
2. Link data record
3. Open Link
4. Select Displayed Fields
Correspondence5. Create Link
6. Edit Link
7. Search data record

Toolbar – Linked Files

1. Mini File ManagerUploading and administration of files stored in LIMBAS
2. New FolderCreate a new Folder. Enter Folder name and click create
3. New FileSelect with a double click the folder you want to save the new file in. Click the New File Icon, browse your directory , select the file and click the “Add Button“
4. Delete FileSelect File, click Delete icon
5. Remove Link5 Remove Link removes the link, but the ‚unlinked‘ data record will not be deleted
6. Select Displayed Fields
7. Show all filesShows all linked files independent from their folder location
8. Simple ViewShows folders / files without any details, e. g. date or file size
9. Picture ShowThumbnails of images displayed. Click to enlarge
10. Picture GalleryPicture is displayed; use the arrows to scroll forward or backward
11. Search FilesSearch for files that can be linked
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Record View Edit Menu

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