Profile Settings Estimated reading: 2 minutes Settings Changes need to be saved and a RESET is required for the changes to take effect, as well as a refresh of the actual browser window. Fig.1: Profile Settings Userdata Userdata, entered by the ADMIN are displayed. To change the User data corresponding user rights are required. Username: With the user name you use to register on LIMBAS. First name & last name: User e-Mail: User e-mail address. LIMBAS system messages are sent to this email address. News The function news is in the state of a Beta-Version. It is a web client, that is integrated in LIMBAS. The administrator provides the usage of it. General Settings Language: Controls the language of the LIMBAS Menus and text. Data are not affected. Data Format: Defines the format a date is displayed. Color Scheme: The colors for the background, table borders and text are set. There is a choice within the admin provided color schemes. Layout: The layout defines the appearance of the Menu and Navigation Bars. One can choose between the layouts provided by the admin. Show Toolbar: Controls whether the Toolbar is displayed or not in all LIMBAS Menus. Color Extending the available color choices. The colors can e.g. be used in the calendar to highlight dates. Color Scheme Under Profile -> Settings -> Color scheme, the color scheme can be changed from the normal, bright color scheme to a dark one.