Specials Glossary Estimated reading: 2 minutes Archiving Archived data records are no longer available for processing. They are however present in the archive and can be retrieved when needed. Grouping Grouping of data within a table. In the Record List groups can be selected. Records are than displayed for each group. There are also ‘sub-groups’. Details Groups Detail Indexing Indexing is enabled by the Admin for defined file types. Indexing is describing the content of a document by keywords. Only indexed files can be considered when searching for the file contents. Keyword The keyword is the word you are searching. Batch processing Batch processing – the update of a field is carried out in several records. The records can be selected directly or through a search. If no selection took place, all data records of a table will be updated. You will find the command ‘Edit ->Batch processing’ if batch processing is enabled for this table. EDIT->STACK AGREEMENTS. Inheritance A new data record is created in table B, through inheritance of data from a data record in table A. Inheritance has to be enabled by the Admin. He also defines the data fields to be inherited. Links In LIMBAS you can link relevant information from different tables. For details check Links Versioning Versioning means you can have more than one version from a data record. A new version can be created manually with the command ‘Create -> Version’ or automatically by the system. Only the current version can be edited. Delete will always delete all versions, not just the current one. LIMBAS can compare the different versions of a data record. The result can be displayed or saved as a pdf file. Versioning has to be activated by the Database Versioning.