Specials Field Types Estimated reading: 6 minutes In the following form “field type” you can see all possible data types of Limbas. Standard field types field typeExampleExplanationNumber2323number without decimal places, can be positive or negative.Number with decimal places12.12number with decimal places. There is no rounding. The number of digits before and after the dot are defined per field by the admin.Floating point numbers3434.34345034Point with database-dependent precision and size.Percent12,55 %Same as decimal. A percent sign is also shown on the display.TextLIMBAS is GPLOne-line text with a maximum of 250 characters. The representation takes place as a text line. The input of further characters is blocked. Length is specified.Text blockLIMBAS is a web based, royalty free open source software.The main focus of LIMBAS are individual buisness solutions and specialized procedures.Text block with up to 2000 characters. The presentation takes place as a text block. The line break consists of 2 characters.Warning more than 2000 entered characters will be cut without warning.LongThe benefits of LIMBAS areS* Open Source* royalty free* central and independent databaseText block with any number of charactersText can be formatted by selecting the WYSIWYG option in the table settings.The tagging option affects the list view when searching for text contained in the table field:Unlimited otherwise like text block.Long IndexedYou want to contribute to the project?There are many ways to participate:* Documentation* Translate the documentationWith formatting support, that means characters such as ‘bold’, ‘italic’, “underlined ” oder “left justified”…. are availableDate15.12.2011Date field displayed in the form dd.mm.yyyyDouble click on an empty field – the current date will be applied.date_time15.12.2011 14:50Date field and time dd.mm.yyyy hh.mmDouble click on the current field – current date and time will be applied.Time14:22:35Time specificationDouble click on the current field – current time will be applied.YesNoAccept or decline offered value / content. Special field types field typeExampleExplanationcreated byAdminusRecord was created by “username” (filled by the system, can not be edited manually)created on30.11.2011 16:13:58Record was created on “current date / time” (filled by the system, can not be edited manually)changed byAdminusRecord was last changes by “username” (filled by the system, can not be edited manually)changed on30.11.2011 19:13:58Record was last changed on “current date / time” (filled by the system, can not be edited manually)Mimetypeapplication/zipIn der Liste vorhandene Dateitypen (WIKI MIMETYPE LINK). Der Internet Media Type besteht aus zwei Teilen: der Angabe eines Medientyps und der Angabe eines Subtyps. Beide Angaben werden durch einen Schrägstrich voneinander getrennt. Example: image/jpg.File size0.00 BUnit field, input as byte (integer). The system displays the value depending on size to Byte, KB, MB….Beispiel: Input value: 4800 Presentation: 4.69 KB Input value: 5700000 Presentation: 5.44 MBPhone number+49 89 123456If a VOIP is installed, this phone number can be selected.HomepageURL: www.limas.orgabsolute URL: http://www.LIMBAS.comThrough a single mouse click on the arrow in the edit and detail view the URL opens, as long as it’s valid. If no absoulte URL is entered, LIMBAS tries to open the URL relativ to the currently displayed one in the browser.Emailservice@limbas.orgBy simply clicking on the arrow next to it, the user’s e-mail client opens to write an e-mail to the entered address.Currency50 €Default currency is automatically added. Example: Eingabewert 50 Darstellung 50 EURSelection (select)A value can be selected. Selection is made via the opened selection list or via the selection window.Selection (radio)Selection by clicking a ‘Radiobutton’. Only one value can be selected.Selection (checkbox)Selection by clicking a square ‘checkbox’. Multible values can be selected.Selection (multiple)In the edit view, the entries are displayed in a select list, the selected entries are highlighted with a different background color. In the detail view, the selected entries are listed as text one below the other and in the list view the number of selected entries is shown with the possibility to expand a list of these entries. Several values can be selected.Selection (ajax) CountriesIn the field by entering a search string and ENTER. Select the desired values.Warning this selection will only be applied when the record is saved. Meaning of the colors of the selected range of valuesSelection green = not saved yetSelectiond deleted red = not saved / deleted yet selected values are displayed below the input field and can be deleted by double-clicking (displayed in red before saving)AttributeConsideration of the field types Number, Text, Date. Here you can search for specific field values.Specification of individual values: Date field Born on: 12.2.1955 Text field Place of residence: MunichSloganSpecification of tree structures in the selection window. Example: LIMAS DOC User Documentation Admin Documentation Interface Documentation SOAP WEBDAV Selection can be done at any level.SQL Argument4646…PHP Argument1 & Limbas is GPLContent can be overwritten if necessary. Set to default by deleting and accepting.encryptedThe content of a field of type encrypted is encrypted in the database and is not displayed clearly legible. Different types, such as text or number, can be selected for the content of the field. INPUT Options Selection details, right arrow next to the input field– Hover over the arrow for info text (like ‘Open Quick Calendar’)– Click on the arrow and depending on the field type Quick Calendar Choose date:– choose year – Select from drop-down list– choose month – Select from drop down list or scroll ‹ or ›– choose day – click on day number Choose time:Use the slider to adjust hour, minute and second.For current date and time click on the TODAY button. The Quick Calendar can be moved within the workspace. Click, the text ‘Move’ appears in the footer of the calendar. Keep mouse button pressed and move to desired location. Text field A new window with a text editor opens. Text can be edited, formatted and saved. Selection Window The selection window displays all the possible values for this specific input field. In LIMBAS, these values are defined in Pools. For each Pool one or more default values can be defined and they will be used, when a new data record is created. Values can be added, or deleted, new Pools can be created.The Pool that is relevant for a data filed is specified in the table settings. ([admin]->[Table] in Field ‘option’). Values can be added, or deleted, new Pools can be created.Add a new valueinput the new value and if required additional informationChange a value, overwrite the existing valueDelete a value, click on the trash iconSelect, click on one or more valuesThus the change of selection will be displayedin the detail view, you must click the details in order to adopt itChange the order of the valuesA value can be moved one place up or down.Click on the relevant arrow (up or down) next to the value As an example you can see the form for the address. Voice Recognition Before the voice recognition: During the voice recognition: If speech recognition is enabled by an administrator and the browser supports it, a microphone button appears in the text box. Pressing on this will start speech recognition and insert spoken text into the text box.