First Steps LIMBAS – Terms Estimated reading: 2 minutes Some basic functions of LIMBAS are described below, to explain the terms used in the user documentation. With a LIMBAS application you can easily manage and analyze data and documents. Data is stored in a database table and documents can be uploaded to your LIMBAS application. TABLESCustomer data can be stored in a customer table, order data in an order table, etc. This is dependent on your company’s specific LIMBAS application. Let’s take the example of customers and data to explain some basic terms. For each customer you create a data record in the customer table. A data record contains various data fields like name, telephone etc. For each data field, the corresponding field type is defined. Simple field types are e.g. numeric, alphanumeric, date or time. This defines whether a data field can contain only numbers or numbers and letters. The design of the screen display is defined by forms, a distinction is made between standard forms and application-specific forms. The display of multiple records of a table is also called Record List. A single record will be shown in a standard- or application-specific form in the Record View. Reports of various values can easily be created. DOCUMENTSDocuments can be uploaded to LIMBAS. They can be indexed and are suited for a full-text search. It is also possible to convert files. (E.g. generate a pdf file from a text document). For further terms see glossary.