

Estimated reading: 2 minutes


A Snapshot is a user query saved for reuse. This allows complicated or frequently used search queries to be reused. A Snapshot can be shared with other users. If it is published, it can be accessed directly by other users via the Navigation Menu. You can manage your Snapshots with the User Function My Profile-> My Limbas -> Snapshot. You create a Snapshot in the Record List of a table. After a user query is created, save it as a Snapshot with Tools->Save (Further details see Snapshot). Your ADMIN can also create Snapshots and publish them for common use.

The Icons next to your Snapshot:

Change to List View

Manage User Rights

Delete Snapshot


Change to Record List

In Record List a Snapshot can be modified. Search and Sort Criteria can be adjusted. Save the modification with Tools -> Snapshot -> Save.

Manage User Rights

Click on the User Rights icon and a pop up window appears:

Fig.2: Snapshot Input window user with readability

In the example shown in fig 1, the user Katinka has the right to use the Snapshot. (tick under eye symbol) Click the checkbox under the pencil and the user gets the right to modify the Snapshot. Click the checkbox under the trash symbol and the user gets the right to delete the Snapshot. Click the red X and all rights for this user /user group to manage the snapshot will be removed.

Fig.3: Snapshot input window user with the rights to read, write and delete

Add a User or Usergroup

Fig.4: Snapshot input window add user(s) / user group(s)

You can authorize a single user or a user group to use a Snap shot.

With a single click in the input field existing user / user groups will be listed in a pop up window. Enter a letter to reduce the result list.

Choose the user/user group you want to add with a single click.

Delete Snapshot

You can delete a Snapshot with click on the trash icon (see right):

  • In the Snapshot overview
  • In the Record List Tools -> Snapshot -> Delete
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